The effects of lighting, storage time and storage temperature on the greening speed and total glycoalkaloids ( TAG) content of potato were investigated. 研究了光照、无光照以及储藏温度和时间对马铃薯表皮绿化和总配糖(生物)碱含量的影响。
Research on Single Bus Multipoint Grain Storage Temperature Automatic Test System 单总线多点储粮温度自动测试系统的研究
Using the button mushroom as raw material, to select optimal color fixative through orthogonal experiment, optimal fresh-keeping agent and storage temperature range. 以白蘑菇为原料,采用正交试验设计优选护色剂,通过试验优选保鲜剂和贮藏温度。
Hericium has an apparent process of respiratory climacteric at the storage temperature of20 ℃. 鲜猴头在20℃的贮藏温度下,具有明显的呼吸跃变过程。
Effects of storage temperature and time on the quality of pasteurized whole milk 冷藏温度及时间对巴氏杀菌乳品质的影响研究
The Effect of Storage Temperature on Carbohydrate Content and Chip Color of the Potato Tuber 马铃薯块茎贮藏温度对其碳水化合物含量及炸片色泽的影响
Application of Visible/ Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Discrimination of Bee Pollen under Different Storage Temperature 不同贮存温度蜂花粉的可见-近红外光谱鉴别
Effects of Storage Temperature on Changes of Nutritional Composition and Decay Rate in Fruit of Red Bayberry 温度对杨梅果实采后营养物质变化和腐烂的影响
Effect of Different Storage Temperature on Quality of Cucumber Seedling 不同贮藏温度对黄瓜秧苗质量的影响
Experiment on Chilled Pork under Different Storage Temperature 不同贮藏温度下冷却肉品质变化的实验研究
Effects of storage temperature on firming and retrogradation of amylopectin in steamed bread 贮存温度对馒头硬化和淀粉回生的影响研究
The design of a multi-point grain storage temperature measurement system based on microcontroller 基于单片机的粮库多点测温系统的设计
At least three aliquots at each of the low and high concentrations should be stored at the intended storage temperature for24 hours and thawed unassisted at room temperature. 至少低和高浓度各三个等分(溶液)应在预期的贮存温度下贮存24小时并在没有外部辅助的情况下在室温下解冻。
NOTE: If the manufacturer defines a required storage temperature range, the temperature of storage areas must be monitored and recorded daily. 注意:如果厂商定义了储存温度范围,储存区域温度必须每天监测并记录。
Effects of Different Storage Temperature on Physiology and Quality of Walnut 不同贮藏温度对核桃生理和品质的影响
Study on quality of aquatic products affected by change of storage temperature 贮藏温度对水产品品质影响的研究现状
The effects of storage temperature on fatty acid oxidation of pine nut kernels with or without shell 不同贮藏温度对不同状态松籽种仁脂肪酸氧化的影响
The effects of storage temperature on fruit postharvest quality, core browning, softening, and senescence of'Whangkeumbae'pears at-1. 贮藏温度对黄金梨采后品质和果心褐变以及软化、衰老等指标的影响。
If an analyte is unstable at the intended storage temperature, the stability sample should be frozen at-70 C during the three freeze and thaw cycles. 如果分析物在预期贮存温度下不稳定,稳定性样品在冰冻-解冻周期中应在-70℃冻存。
Study on Storage Temperature on the Mato Apple Fresh Fruit 贮藏温度对藤牧1号苹果果实保鲜效果影响研究
The main influencing factors of malt quality during the storage covered storage mode, storage temperature, ambient humidity, and storage time. 在贮存过程中,影响麦芽质量的环境条件主要是贮存方式、贮存温度、空气湿度、贮存时间。
Effects of Storage Temperature on Quality and Postharvest Physiology of 'Whangkeumbae' Pears 贮藏温度对黄金梨品质和相关生理指标的影响
Effects of Storage Temperature on Resveratrol and Its Glycosides Content in Grape Berries Skin Following UV-C Irradiation 贮藏温度对UV-C辐射葡萄果皮白藜芦醇及其糖苷含量的影响
Relationship between different storage temperature and changes of protective enzyme or LOX in fresh Chinese Jujube 不同贮藏温度与鲜枣果实中保护酶及脂氧合酶活性变化的关系
Effect of Storage Temperature on the Physiological and Biochemical Indices and Regeneration Energy of Hybrid Bermudagrass Stolon 贮藏温度对杂交狗牙根离体匍匐茎生理指标及再生活力的影响
Effects of Storage Temperature and Time on Muscle pH and Water Loss Rate of Landrace Pigs 不同储存温度、时间对长白猪肌肉pH及失水率的影响
Research of the relevance with storage temperature fluctuations on the frozen platelet occurrence of irreversible aggregation 贮存温度波动与冰冻血小板不可逆聚集发生的相关性研究
Application of Ecos in Large-scale Storage Temperature Detecting System eCos系统在大型仓库测温系统中的应用
However the discriminant model was different for different storage temperature. 但是对于不同保存温度,判别模式是不同的。
Study of storage temperature influencing on quality of immunoglobulin for human intravenous injection 储存温度对静注人免疫球蛋白质量影响的研究